Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch
January 16 | 11:30 am | Activity Building 141
Potluck meal! Bring your favorite dish to share! Ham will be provided!
RSVP by calling the Church Office at 918-258-1505
Potluck meal! Bring your favorite dish to share! Ham will be provided!
RSVP by calling the Church Office at 918-258-1505
Body by Gerry – Exercise Class & Chair Aerobics Class
This group’s fitness goal is to overcome the health hazard of aging! Anyone is welcome to join!
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30am
Fellowship Hall (Church Gym)
Contact: G. Dunbar
Excursions and adventures are planned regularly for adults to explore our community and beyond!
Date, location, and fees vary
Contact: Rita Sorrels