
sunday school

Sundays at 9:45 am & 11:00 am

Thank you for your interest in Sunday School classes at First Methodist Church. Currently, we are offering both in-person and virtual classes.


Wednesdays at 6:00 pm

We offer mid-week studies for you to connect, dig deeper, and learn more.


Upcoming Events

Stay up-to-date with current events in our church community.

Young Adults & Families

Information for Young Adults (20-30 yr old) & Families with young children.

Sunday Schools

Sundays at 9:45 am & 11:00 am
Distilled: 30-40s
Reflection: 30-40s
New Horizons: 20-30s

Young Family Events

Make sure to check out our First Kids page to see all events and activities taking place for families with young children!

senior adults

Find an opportunity to gather with our active senior adult community

Lunch Bunch

Third Thursday of each month
Meet at 11:30, Lunch at 12:00

Wild Bunch

Date, location, and fees vary
Excursions and adventures are planned regularly for adults to explore our community and beyond!

Exercise Group

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 am
Fellowship Hall (Church Gym)
Body by Gerry – Exercise Class & Chair Aerobics Class
This group’s fitness goal is to overcome the health hazard of aging!
Anyone is welcome to join!


Men’s Ministry provides men various opportunities to connect and grow in their faith

Wednesday Study

Wednesday night class at 6:30 pm during Faithbreak schedule.

Man Camp

Man Camp is an opportunity for men to gather together for a weekend in the woods to eat, meet, and throw axes.

All Sports Banquet

Our Annual All Sports Banquet with special speakers, BBQ, and prizes
Keep an eye out for next year’s dates!

MEN’S Breakfast

Breakfast is provided and donations are accepted.
A monthly fellowship gathering on the
3rd Saturday of the month in the Fellowship Hall/Gym.

Gravy Brigade

Helps prepare meals for Men’s Breakfast and other church gatherings.


Gather with our community of women who seek to deepen their faith and share the love of Christ


Various locations and activities

FIRST Methodist
Women (FMW)

FMW General Meetings are at 9:45am, typically on the 4th Wednesday of the month.
All women are invited to participate in the total life and work of the church – mission, education, and fellowship.

*Meetings are not held in June, July, August or September.

girlfriends connect

Meets Fridays at 9:30 am | Activity Building 139

Women’s Retreat

Women’s Retreat is an opportunity for women of all generations to gather together for a weekend of friendship, faith, and fun.

visit    watch    contact    give

Address: 112 E College Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012  |  Phone: 918-258-1505